High-quality pro image resizing library
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avir::CImageResizerFilterStepDIL< fptype, fptypesimd > Class Template Reference

De-interleaved filtering steps implementation class. More...

#include <avir_dil.h>

Inheritance diagram for avir::CImageResizerFilterStepDIL< fptype, fptypesimd >:
avir::CImageResizerFilterStep< fptype, fptype >

Public Member Functions

void calcScanlineBias (const fptype *const p0, const int SrcLen, fptype *const ElBiases) const
void convertVtoH (const fptype *ip, fptype *op, const int SrcLen, const int SrcIncr) const
void doFilter (const fptype *const Src, fptype *Dst, const int DstIncr) const
void doResize (const fptype *SrcLine, fptype *DstLine, int DstLineIncr, const fptype *const ElBiases, fptype *const xx) const
void doResize2 (const fptype *SrcLine, fptype *DstLine, int DstLineIncr, const fptype *const ElBiases, fptype *const xx) const
void doUpsample (const fptype *Src, fptype *Dst) const
template<class Tin>
void packScanline (const Tin *const ip0, fptype *const op0, const int l) const
void prepareInBuf (fptype *Src) const
void unbiasScanline (fptype *const p0, const int l, const fptype *const ElBiases) const

Static Public Member Functions

static void applySRGBGamma (fptype *const p0, const int l, const CImageResizerVars &Vars0)
template<class Tout>
static void unpackScanline (const fptype *const ip0, Tout *const op0, const int l, const CImageResizerVars &Vars0)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from avir::CImageResizerFilterStep< fptype, fptype >
double DCGain
 DC gain which was applied to the filter. Not defined if ResampleFactor = 0.
int EdgePixelCount
 The number of edge pixels added. Affects the initial position within the input scanline, used to produce edge pixels. This variable is used and should be defined when IsUpsample=false and ResampleFactor>0. When assigning this variable it is also necessary to update InPrefix, OutLen and Vars.o variables.
CBuffer< fptype > Flt
 Filter to use at this step.
CDSPFracFilterBankLin< fptype > * FltBank
 Filter bank in use by *this resizing step.
int FltLatency
 Filter's latency (group delay, shift) in pixels.
CFltBuffer FltOrig
 Originally-designed filter. This buffer may not be assigned. Assigned by filters that precede the resizing step if such filter is planned to be embedded into the interpolation filter as "external" filter. If IsUpsample=true and this filter buffer is not empty, the upsampling step will not itself apply any filtering over upsampled input scanline.
int InBuf
 Input buffer index, 0 or 1.
int InElIncr
 Pixel element increment within the input buffer, used during de-interleaved processing: in this case each image's channel is stored independently, InElIncr elements apart.
int InLen
 Input scanline's length in pixels.
int InPrefix
 Required input prefix pixels. These prefix pixels will be filled with source scanline's first pixel value. If IsUpsample is "true", this is the additional number of times the first pixel will be filtered before processing scanline, this number is also reflected in the OutPrefix.
int InSuffix
 Required input suffix pixels. These suffix pixels will be filled with source scanline's last pixel value. If IsUpsample is "true", this is the additional number of times the last pixel will be filtered before processing scanline, this number is also reflected in the OutSuffix.
bool IsUpsample
 "True" if this step is an upsampling step, "false" if downsampling step. Should be set to "false" if ResampleFactor equals 0.
int OutBuf
 Output buffer index. 0 or 1; 2 for the last step.
int OutElIncr
 Pixel element increment within the output buffer, used during de-interleaved processing. Equals to the InBufElIncr of the next step.
int OutLen
 Length of the resulting scanline.
int OutPrefix
 Required output prefix pixels. These prefix pixels will not be pre-filled with any values. Value is valid only if IsUpsample equals "true".
int OutSuffix
 Required input suffix pixels. These suffix pixels will not be pre-filled with any values. Value is valid only if IsUpsample equals "true".
CBuffer< fptype > PrefixDC
 DC component fluctuations added at the start of the resulting scanline, used when IsUpsample equals "true".
int ResampleFactor
 Resample factor (>=1). If 0, this is a resizing step. This value should be >1 if IsUpsample equals "true".
CRPosBuf * RPosBuf
 Resizing positions buffer. Used when ResampleFactor equals 0 (resizing step).
CBuffer< fptype > SuffixDC
 DC component fluctuations added at the end of the resulting scanline, used when IsUpsample equals "true".
const CImageResizerVarsVars
 Image resizing-related variables.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from avir::CImageResizerFilterStep< fptype, fptype >
static const int EdgePixelCountDef
 The default number of pixels additionally produced at scanline edges during filtering. This is required to reduce edge artifacts.

Detailed Description

template<class fptype, class fptypesimd>
class avir::CImageResizerFilterStepDIL< fptype, fptypesimd >

De-interleaved filtering steps implementation class.

This class implements scanline filtering functions in de-interleaved mode. This means that pixels are processed in groups.

Template Parameters
fptypeFloating point type to use for storing pixel elements. SIMD types cannot be used.
fptypesimdThe SIMD type used to store a pack of "fptype" values.

Member Function Documentation

◆ applySRGBGamma()

template<class fptype, class fptypesimd>
static void avir::CImageResizerFilterStepDIL< fptype, fptypesimd >::applySRGBGamma ( fptype *const p0,
const int l,
const CImageResizerVars & Vars0 )

Function applies Linear to sRGB gamma correction to the specified scanline.

lThe number of pixels to de-linearize.
Vars0Image resizing-related variables.

◆ calcScanlineBias()

template<class fptype, class fptypesimd>
void avir::CImageResizerFilterStepDIL< fptype, fptypesimd >::calcScanlineBias ( const fptype *const p0,
const int SrcLen,
fptype *const ElBiases ) const

Function calculates scanline's DC gain for each channel, further used to "unbias" the scanline.

p0Source scanline.
SrcLenSource scanline's length.
[out]ElBiasesResuling biases.

◆ convertVtoH()

template<class fptype, class fptypesimd>
void avir::CImageResizerFilterStepDIL< fptype, fptypesimd >::convertVtoH ( const fptype * ip,
fptype * op,
const int SrcLen,
const int SrcIncr ) const

Function converts vertical scanline to horizontal scanline. This function is called by the image resizer when image is resized vertically. This means that the vertical scanline is stored in the same format produced by the packScanline() and maintained by other filtering functions.

ipInput vertical scanline, pixel elements are grouped, SrcLen elements apart.
opOutput buffer (temporary buffer used during resizing), pixel elements are grouped, "l" elements apart.
SrcLenThe number of pixels in the input scanline, also used to calculate input buffer increment.
SrcIncrInput buffer increment to the next vertical pixel.

◆ doFilter()

template<class fptype, class fptypesimd>
void avir::CImageResizerFilterStepDIL< fptype, fptypesimd >::doFilter ( const fptype *const Src,
fptype * Dst,
const int DstIncr ) const

Function peforms scanline filtering with optional downsampling. Function makes use of the symmetry of the filter.

SrcSource scanline buffer (length = this -> InLen). Source scanline increment will be equal to 1.
DstDestination scanline buffer.
DstIncrDestination scanline buffer increment, used for horizontal or vertical scanline stepping.

◆ doResize()

template<class fptype, class fptypesimd>
void avir::CImageResizerFilterStepDIL< fptype, fptypesimd >::doResize ( const fptype * SrcLine,
fptype * DstLine,
int DstLineIncr,
const fptype *const ElBiases,
fptype *const xx ) const

Function performs resizing of a single scanline. This function does not "know" about the length of the source scanline buffer. This buffer should be padded with enough pixels so that ( SrcPos - FilterLenD2 ) is always >= 0 and ( SrcPos + ( DstLineLen - 1 ) * k + FilterLenD2 + 1 ) does not exceed source scanline's buffer length. SrcLine's increment is assumed to be equal to 1.

SrcLineSource scanline buffer.
DstLineDestination (resized) scanline buffer.
DstLineIncrDestination scanline position increment, used for horizontal or vertical scanline stepping.
ElBiasesBias values to add to the resulting scanline.
xxTemporary buffer, of size FltBank -> getFilterLen(), must be aligned by fpclass :: fpalign.

◆ doResize2()

template<class fptype, class fptypesimd>
void avir::CImageResizerFilterStepDIL< fptype, fptypesimd >::doResize2 ( const fptype * SrcLine,
fptype * DstLine,
int DstLineIncr,
const fptype *const ElBiases,
fptype *const xx ) const

Same as doResize(). No specific 2x filter-less upsampling optimization.

◆ doUpsample()

template<class fptype, class fptypesimd>
void avir::CImageResizerFilterStepDIL< fptype, fptypesimd >::doUpsample ( const fptype * Src,
fptype * Dst ) const

Function peforms scanline upsampling with filtering.

SrcSource scanline buffer (length = this -> InLen). Source scanline increment will be equal to ElCount.
DstDestination scanline buffer.

◆ packScanline()

template<class fptype, class fptypesimd>
template<class Tin>
void avir::CImageResizerFilterStepDIL< fptype, fptypesimd >::packScanline ( const Tin *const ip0,
fptype *const op0,
const int l ) const

Function performs "packing" (de-interleaving) of a scanline and type conversion. If required, the sRGB gamma correction is applied.

ip0Input scanline, pixel elements interleaved.
op0Output scanline, pixel elements are grouped, "l" elements apart.
lThe number of pixels to "pack".

◆ prepareInBuf()

template<class fptype, class fptypesimd>
void avir::CImageResizerFilterStepDIL< fptype, fptypesimd >::prepareInBuf ( fptype * Src) const

Function prepares input scanline buffer for *this filtering step. Left- and right-most pixels are replicated to make sure no buffer overrun happens. Such approach also allows to bypass any pointer range checks.

SrcSource buffer.

◆ unbiasScanline()

template<class fptype, class fptypesimd>
void avir::CImageResizerFilterStepDIL< fptype, fptypesimd >::unbiasScanline ( fptype *const p0,
const int l,
const fptype *const ElBiases ) const

Function applies "unbiasing" to the scanline, by subtracting the previously calculated bias (DC gain) values.

lScanline's length.
ElBiasesBiases to subtract, for each channel.

◆ unpackScanline()

template<class fptype, class fptypesimd>
template<class Tout>
static void avir::CImageResizerFilterStepDIL< fptype, fptypesimd >::unpackScanline ( const fptype *const ip0,
Tout *const op0,
const int l,
const CImageResizerVars & Vars0 )

Function performs "unpacking" of a scanline and type conversion (truncation is used when floating point is converted to integer). The unpacking function assumes that scanline is stored in the style produced by the packScanline() function.

ip0Input scanline, pixel elements are grouped, "l" elements apart.
op0Output scanline, pixel elements are interleaved.
lThe number of pixels to "unpack".
Vars0Image resizing-related variables. ElCount is assumed to be equal to ElCountIO.