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avir::CImageResizerFilterStep< fptype, fptypeatom >::CRPosBufArray Member List

This is the complete list of members for avir::CImageResizerFilterStep< fptype, fptypeatom >::CRPosBufArray, including all inherited members.

add()avir::CStructArray< CRPosBuf >
clear()avir::CStructArray< CRPosBuf >
CStructArray() (defined in avir::CStructArray< CRPosBuf >)avir::CStructArray< CRPosBuf >
CStructArray(const CStructArray &Source) (defined in avir::CStructArray< CRPosBuf >)avir::CStructArray< CRPosBuf >
getItemCount() constavir::CStructArray< CRPosBuf >
getRPosBuf(const double k, const double o, const int FracCount)avir::CImageResizerFilterStep< fptype, fptypeatom >::CRPosBufArray
operator=(const CStructArray &Source) (defined in avir::CStructArray< CRPosBuf >)avir::CStructArray< CRPosBuf >
operator[](const int Index) (defined in avir::CStructArray< CRPosBuf >)avir::CStructArray< CRPosBuf >
operator[](const int Index) const (defined in avir::CStructArray< CRPosBuf >)avir::CStructArray< CRPosBuf >
setItemCount(const int NewCount)avir::CStructArray< CRPosBuf >
~CStructArray() (defined in avir::CStructArray< CRPosBuf >)avir::CStructArray< CRPosBuf >