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Voxengo Stereo Touch - User Testimonials

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This is the most natural and effective stereo plug-in I've found.  From a mono original, it spreads out the stage for more natural listening, and approximates what one would hear from 12th row center quite effectively.  Bravo...  Job well done!
Bob Wendel


Just wanted to say thanks, Voxengo.  Since I discovered the Elephant, and later the Stereo Touch, I use these plug-ins almost exclusively in their respective fields.  Can't imagine living without those anymore.  A huge thank you.

Lige Bange

Add me to the chorus of people singing praises about Voxengo software.  I've just recently started getting into computer audio recording (Cubase 4 on an Intel Mac), and was looking for some improvement over the stock plug-ins.  I downloaded a couple of the free Voxengo plug-ins (the Tube Amp and Overtone GEQ), and based on that, will be purchasing some others now.

Echoing what others have said, the Voxengo plug-ins sound musical (what a concept!) and are reasonably priced.  It's obvious the person who designed them has a discriminating and musical ear.  I was able to make some immediate improvements to a couple tracks with the free plug-ins.  I almost feel like I'm using analog gear, due to the warm, musical tone of this software.  Great job!  I also appreciate the modular concept of the plug-ins, how they all share a number of common parameters, which makes it easier to switch from one to the next.

The Voxengo website is well organized, making it easy to get information on the software.  It's also clear that the software is updated regularly to fix any issues that come up. (Wouldn't it be nice if all software companies did this?)

I don't write too many testimonials, but when someone does something right, it should be recognized, and Aleksey Vaneev has done just that.  Thank you for designing this software, and making it available to the public.

Tom Cahoon

I am very impressed with this site and like how regular emails arrive mentioning products and product changes.  I have a home studio and use Sonar HS 6XL as my DAW.  The Voxengo plug ins such as EssEQ, and Stereo Touch have worked great - no clitches.  I have not yet made a major purchase of a plug-in, but getting very close !!!!!
Charles Silverman

Wow!!!!!!  I just DL most of the free products, you guys are awesome!!  I run my own recording studio "BIG DUMMY RECORDING" and used all effects on my own music and love them.  All are simple to operate and work beautifully, I will recommend others about your products.  Thank you very much for the sonic enhancements, Joe from BIG DUMMY.

I absolutely love Voxengo plugs for flexibility, sound quality and value.  I recommend them to everyone I know.
Richard Turner, Producer

Stereo Touch is an essential piece of gear to me...on my first effort at engineering a recording of a Native Drum group, I had only one overhead mic at my disposal.  Voxengo ST took the lifeless mono tracks and expanded them to breathtakingly full stereo effects...with it, I was able to capture every male/female voice, every hand rattle, every cough even, to stand out in the mix.  Needless to say, my clients were thrilled after hearing the before and the after with ST.  In my own music, it's a go-to part of kit for vocals and guitars, featured on my latest release, HEAVY MUSE.  Thanks ever so much...and I just downloaded your Delay, based on a heads up from another engineer/producer friend of mine!

Normally, I don´t write testimonials.  Though I must drop Voxengo´s Plugins a line.  These plugins are extraordinary.  Let me explain why: First, Voxengo sells the plugins at less than fair value.  This is very rare nowadays.  Next, it´s the sound.  Here is the stunning part: I know the sound of many professional plugins (as I´m a professional audio engineer) but only a few satisfied me, regardless of famous names like...well, you know all the pro-plugins...Then, one day, I tried the Voxengo Overtone GEQ and couldn´t believe my ears!  For free but what a sound!  It brought my drum group to life again.  So I got curious for all the others.  The next plugin I wanted to give a try was the Stereo Touch.  Again I was stunned.  I recorded a guitar track (mono) and added some of the Stereo Touch by using an Aux send.  Before that it just sounded poor and small, but with some "Stereo Touch"!  You have to hear it yourself!!

Keep your philosophy up, Aleksey Vaneev!

J.M. at Backyard Music

Voxengo plugins are the best computer related products I ever bought!  When I tried them I couldn't believe my ears.  How can they sound so good?!  I'm using a PC mostly, but own a MAC also.  I never thought I could get such a sound with my PC. (Sonar7 on a 64bit Vista Ultimate).  Voxengo have saved my musical life! "Sound with a Soul", takes my music and makes it fly...  Thank You very much!
Glenn Häger GLH Music (FINLAND)

i came across voxengo plugins a while ago, and gave them a try. i have to say, these are some great plugins. i am currently using the free Stereo Touch and free SPAN plugins as well as the (very reasonably priced) PHA-979 plugin, i am interested in the Voxformer,Redunoise, and GlissEQ plugins.

i have talked with Aleksey Vaneev a few times,and he is a really nice guy. he knows what he is doing, and is very helpful.

+1 for Voxengo's amazing VST Plugins!
