Voxengo Latency Delay - User Testimonials

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Essential plugin for all that use x64bit DAW.s.

This plugin lets you compensate latency for those x32 plugins that doesn't get compensate correctly threw the Bitbridge ... example Steinberg Virtual Guitarist 2 x32.

This plugin are FREE and works in both Windows 7 x64bit and Vista x64bit and are essential for any professional Music Producer, Mixing engineer or Songwriter.


Before I got the Voxengo, Audio and Sample delay plugins it was generally impossible for me to use software instruments from different suites for a single project ... with these plugins it has been much easier to handle my issues with latency.  These plugins might not sound flashy but they can make all the difference between a groove and a shambles.
Chris McMahon

Latency Delay is a life saver if you have wrapped plugind in your host that need pdc

most wrappers do not send pdc data out of them :(

but Latency Delay fix's this problem for me in Tracktion 2 :)
