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Voxengo GlissEQ - User Testimonials

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Today I purchased my first Voxengo plugin the GlissEQ.  To date i have always steered clear of what i thought were Voxengo cheap plugins as i already have have all the UAD, Powercore, TC & Sony plugins.  But i am truly amazed at the GlissEQ even more so as my TC Dynamic EQ cost me 6 times more than the GlissEQ and doesn't have the export FFT spectrum display.  Thank you and well done!
Colin Bassett - Director, 5am Records Limited, UK

Hi, I purchased GlissEQ today after trialing it for a while and I have to say it's an absolutely superb product.  For me the ability to layer the spectrum of one track over another is just inspired - why hasn't anyone ever thought of this before!  It provides such useful visual feedback when mixing elements to fit well together within a track.  Excellent work, many thanks!
Chrispy, GlissEQ forum post

I just wanted to write in to say a big "thank you" on behalf of our company, Opus Productions ltd, for the superb plugins we have got from Voxengo.  We currently own CurveEQ, GlissEQ, Pristine Space, Impulse Modeller, Deconvolver & R8Brain and we fully intend to get the rest as soon as finances permit.  I cannot praise these highly enough - there is nothing that we do not like about the EQ's and the sound quality is as good as we have found anywhere else.  GlissEQ is brilliant across groups, whilst CurveEQ sits on the master buss in just about every stereo track we produce.  PristineSpace is also a "must" for anyone interested in Convolution.  Not only is it far more controllable than the Waves IR-1, it is under a quarter the price and has multichannel architecture to boot - up to 8 different IR can be loaded in each instance.  Thank you again.  We will be buying the mastering plugins very soon now.
Neil Wilkes - Opus Productions Ltd, UK