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Voxengo Elephant - User Testimonials

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I wanted to take a minute to tell you how impressed I am with the Elephant 3.  I am now working at Masterdisk in NYC and using the Elephant 3 to master projects almost everyday.  As an Elephant user from ver 1, it's always been a great product, but with this latest release you have taken it to a new level of audio excellence!

Thank you.

Dave McNair

I've been using L1, L2 and then the "mighty" L3 Multi at the end of countless chains for countless projects- from the modest sound-byte, the neato car commercial, the ending credits for a movie, etc...anywho, I have done a lot of "finishing" work for all sorts of music/sound related stuff.  I thought I was good and then: enter Elephant- holy crap, it looks cheap but whatever, it delivers the goods and imo should be making the people at waves and digi have some sleepless nights.  I've recorded countless songs in my own studio and have been recorded myself at some pretty big name places with some big-shot producers, you know the type, they have a closet full of vintage u-47's and will not shut up about their studer 2 inch 16track machines (I know, I love them too!)- even though secretly they have like, 10 macs with a million gigs of ram and eat EWQL's 165 gigabyte orch samples for breakfast---point being, I got into this world first through Bach than punk and jazz and so forth and was always a super sound freak as well as a computer dork.  I know what sounds good and what sounds great- and I gotta say, Elephant is actually the best software of it's kind I have come across bar-none.  End of discussion.  I've had masters done by many people and places including the venerable abbey road and well, I must say that Elephant can hang with the best of them.  I can't wait to get some of Voxengo's other plugs 'cause if they are of Elephant quality, well then- my 6000$ Waves Bundle may find it's way into the trashcan some time in the near future.  You guy's are great!  In this world of endless terrible garageband/reason one click music, it's really refreshing to come across a plug that actually does have "Sound with a Soul".  Excellent work.
Drea Tero Fields

The Voxengo guys really have struck the right balance here between controls and automation so that, with very few tweaks and a little foreward planning, results are coming in fast.  And they are good results!

I bought Elephant during the final mastering stage of our latest album, to add those few extra dBs for punch and playability, and this little plugin with its intuitive interface did just that, and did it well.  The transparancy up to +3dB gain is excellent provided the appropriate limiting algorhithm is pushed into action.

There may be even more accomplished limiters out there.  But they probably cost multiples of what this baby retails for.  For the money, nothing beats it.

Tom, Blue Flux,

Well I'm certainly glad I found your plug-ins.  I found it hard to believe the hype surrounding your Elephant plug-in.  Nothing this cheap could really match waves L3.  I was wrong.  This plug-in has equaled L3 and in many cases, surpassed it.  It is now my first choice for mastering and I think it shines on orchestral recordings.  Give it a shot; I think you won’t be disappointed.

Quick note:

Boogex rocks

Pristine Space is awesome


I've used/designed/studied limiters for years.  This is a remaining "black art" in audio.  Its easy to make a limiter to contain peak levels as long as you don't care how it smashes transients.  Its easy to design a limiter that pretty much preserves transients if you don't care about perceived loudness.  A limiter with "hot" output which still preserves the transients is unusual.  Elephant does this better than any limiter I've ever encountered at any price.  People are suspicious of low-priced products, usually for a good reason.  In this case, don't be.  Check this limiter out!  I don't know all the magic behind this one but its real.  Again, best limiter I've ever heard.
Bill Thompson, Ashly Audio Inc.

I was looking for a high-quality, transparent mastering plugin which would give me clean, tight control of my music and podcast recordings.

Elephant gave me all the control and punch I wanted, combined with transparency and clarity.  Thanks Aleksey for your work on version 3, Elephant's a beautiful product at a very attractive price.

Dave Braidy, Museum of Techno

As a professional masteringstudio i'm looking all the time for the best limiter.

After comparing the Elephant 3 seriously with all the State-of-the Art-Limiters on the marked i use now the Elephant 3 on nearly all of my masterings.

The El-Uni-Algo ist fantastic;

more punch, less distortion, less side-effects & less harshness than all the "big names"!

Dan Suter,

I just wanted to say how amazing these Plug Ins are!  I have been using Soniformer for some time as a mastering compressor and thought it was excellent, but there was still something missing from my finished product.  I have now added Curve EQ and Elephant to the mastering lineup and WOW!  By matching the EQ curve to a captured curve from a sound you like, then compressing with Soniformer and limiting with Elephant I am producing final recordings that sound stunning.  These Plug Ins are superior to "commercial" products costing ten times more.  Thanks for these fantastic plug ins!
David Hines, Seltaeb Music, Sydney Australia

I use Voxengo Elephant on all my mixdowns to get them gelled and nice and loud without losing the dynamics.  While I like the transparency of this plugin, I love how easy it is to use the best.  Also, one of the best things about this plug, is the price point.  Costing leagues less than the equivalent in results.  This is a no brainer and should be used by everyone.  Very good job with this top notch plugin.
t1mp -

I consider the Voxengo Elephant Limiter to be the most smooth, natural sounding limiter anywhere.  It performs circles around Waves L2 which everyone seems to be using just because everyone else has it.  The results from Elephant speak for themselves.