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Voxengo Elephant - User Testimonials

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I'm sort of new with DAW's, previously I "decided" to go with samplitude, but later found it to restrictive since it can't handle 7.1 surround (or itself without crashing), unless one looses his/her mind and cough's up $3000 for Sequoya.  My choice has fallen on Reaper, which is clearly above everything I've ever likely to come across.  As THE DAW it is capable of doing everything I / you could ever need, especially when combining it with Voxengo's plugins, WOW!, I mean you people are incredible, and I know that because my ears tells me so.  The end result is everything that ever mattered, which is why we're all doomed, but that's another story ;o)


Voxengo Elephant is hands down my favorite limiter.  I own a lot of different limiters, and prior to purchasing Elephant, found myself having to test several per song in an attempt to find the one that did the least damage with its limited features and distinct characteristics.  Eventually I'd find something that worked OK but I never felt as satisfied with the sound as I do with Elephant.  I'm grateful to Aleksey for adding in a lot of important features, features that many others seem content on leaving out, and for giving us the ability to tinker around under the hood for more complex setups.  It can be a little daunting at first trying to understand what everything does, but with a little perseverance, it all begins to make sense and then you truly realize how powerful and flexible this limiter really is.  It excels at remaining transparent even at extreme levels and with a bit of fine tuning, is the best limiter I have in my arsenal for those clients looking for maximum level with as much of the transient clarity intact.  Of course there's a point where it all begins to fall apart, but Elephant has the ability to go farther than the rest.
Shawn Hatfield -

Thanks for a great product guys, the Elephant is an amazing limiter.  Wins out over many of my other [considerably more expensive] limiters on many projects, retaining transparency, clarity and punch.  It’s intuitive to use, has all the additional controls I need, plus the “graphs” and metering statistics are the icing on the cake.

Thanks again,


Paul Butler Tayar - The Butler Mastering, Sydney Australia

My first album was an instrumental metal album with electronic instruments and orchestra crammed in and I was at wits end trying to get it up to current volume levels and not destroy the sound.  I tried a number of other popular compressors\limiters that cost much more and could not get the sound I wanted.  I finally tried the Elephant and I couldn't believe how simple the interface was...and how well it just worked!  I've since recommeneded it to others, one friend who was in a punk band came back to me and said, "That plugin worked miracles!".  I literally use the Elephant at the end of my chain for every project now.  It's a given.

I also bought Soniformer that same day and I've been very happy with it's performance.  It's one of the only EQ\multiband compressors I trust to hand delicate high frequencies without distortion.  It's extremely powerful, though the serious control provided makes for a somewhat confusing interface.  Also I wish it provided for seperate left\right channel EQing\Compression. (of course that would clutter the interface even more haha!)

Scott Morgan

I've been using the elephant for mastering and I find it extremely musical.  I'm currently demoing glissEQ and harminiEQ, polysquasher,deft compressor and soniformer.  I find them all extremely musical.  And at the end of the day it is music we are working with so it makes sense to work with plugins that make your music sound even better.  I've done an extensive test comparing gliss EQ and Pro Q by fab filter and found gliss EQ sounds better every time.  It is more open, more transparent, more sweet and musical.  I read in another forum that pro Q was far better but this just isn't true.  Yes pro Q is very good but it still doesn't bring any life to the sound like gliss and harmoni EQ do.  Everything just seems to come alive with voxengo plugins.  I've only owned elephant up to now and when I mix I can't wait till the mastering stage to use elephant cause I know what its going to do to my sound.  I don't think twice any more when it comes to voxengo because I've learn't to trust my ears and when I hear something special I look no further.

Friendly greetings Aleksey!

I wanted to thank you directly for Voxengo Elephant.  Every time a new limiter comes out on the market, I test it thoroughly versus Elephant, but ALL contenders to date (over the last four years) have been crushed at Elephant's massive feet.  Despite compelling marketing copy, those competitors simply can't handle the extreme dynamics and transients I throw at Elephant, which rides the peaks a lot more transparently.  The TRANS TIME knob is magic — if I hear unwanted distortion in a saturated track rich with ambience, I simply turn it up and the ugliness is gone.  I can retain a good balance between punch and clarity, something which is unintuitively difficult in "other limiters".

You should know that I used Elephant on my album that won the Spectrasonics-Bob Moog Foundation's OMG-1 Grand Prize: From phat breakbeats to eloquent arpeggiators, Elephant is versatile and able to treat it all.  Elephant's high-quality at low-latency makes it possible to use in a "realtime mastering chain", which is essential to my workflow and makes it easy to hear the near-final result instantly.  Plus, auto-oversampling works like a charm.

What's more, EVERYONE out there should know how mature and stable Elephant is.  It's almost a decade old, wow!  Long ago, I grew irritated with lesser limiters that didn't keep backward compatibility modes in mind, since that inconsistency wastes time.  But I'm glad that although Elephant continues to be in active development, it has really settled into a beautiful place in my creation process.

On top of all this, Elephant's price continues to provide the best bang-for-buck.  What incredible value for a truly versatile tool!

Keep being creative — you've truly made it easier for musicians like me to make our music shine.

Torley Wong (Whidbey Island, Washington)

Hi! just droping by to say that the Elephant is a truly amazing limiter, I use the Slate FG mastering plugin for the clipping capabilities, but always put the Elephant after it for a truly finished, clean and loud master.  I've been using it for years, and I'm still re-discovering! great job!!!


Cristobal Tapia de Veer

I am using quite a few of your plugins as bus masters for film & TV sound post.  Elephant after Polysquasher is fantastic to envelope the final mix and peak limiter for broadcast specs.  Voxformer is an excellent way to control and punch vocals without sounding over processed.  Soniformer is my preferred plugin for music pre mix stems but until recently, I wasn't quite happy with a compressor for FX stem control, but the new Drumformer is perfect for this.

HarmoniEQ and GlissEQ are both really useful to enhance without fatigue and also interesting EQs to use on denoised material.  Great plugins and so reasonable priced.  They work perfectly in my Fairlight host.

Michael Gissing , Digital City Studios, Australia.

Hands down my favorite master bus plugin that I've ever used.  I use this for hip hop and dance and it brings new life to my rough ideas as well as final productions/mixes.  A must have!!!!!!
DJ Frank E

I wanted to thank you for giving users the ability to receive emails when you've updated a plug-in.  You've always been good about fixing bugs and making improvements to your plug-ins, which is definitely not true with all companies.  I've also always been impressed with how well organized your website is.

Yours were some of the first 3rd party plug-ins I purchased, after trying out the free plug-ins you generously made available.  I consistently use the Voxformer (a wonderful all-in-one vocal processor, but works great for bass & drums too), the Elephant (I always use it for limiting on the Main Out bus) and the GlissEQ (very flexible) on my songs.

Since starting out with Voxengo plug-ins, I've purchased a number of plug-ins from other companies, mostly compressors and EQ's.  Many of these are modeled after "classic" compressors and EQ's, and many of them do sound good.  Having said that, I've gone back a number of times and done comparisons to my Voxengo versions, and I'm constantly reminded of how good your plug-ins sound.  In many cases, after making some adjustments, I don't hear a significant difference (which is always a little surprising, considering how much I paid for the other ones).

Your plug-ins are easy to use with a minimum of tweaking, but are also capable of deeper editing, for experimenting or fine-tuning.  They also interface well with my DAW, doing what they're "supposed to do", without many of the annoying glitches that a number of the other ones have.  In other words, you pay attention to the details, which makes for an enjoyable and predictable user experience.

Thank you again for your great sounding (and affordable!) products.

Tom Cahoon