Voxengo Crunchessor - User Testimonials
Crunchessor - good for drums and percussions. Fixed ratio, “style” selector - suitable for adjusting the sound for any genre and character.
Deft compressor - good for other track types. Punch knob - excellent for transients/attack management
Marquis compressor - good as SSL analog for gluing groups (variable soft mode of amplifier - pleasant to the ear).
I recommend all three compressors at once for purchase.
I have used many Compressors, including Sonitus, UAD and many others and I decided to give the Voxengo Crunchessor a try to see how it stood up to highly regarded compressors during mixing.
I was very impressed with the ease of use of the Crunchessor and the ability to tailor sound/tone on this to the instrument. It did wonders for my drum tracks! I can't wait to use it on other tracks and see what else I can find to help out with my mixes. I am very pleased with what it did to my drums!
Add me to the chorus of people singing praises about Voxengo software. I've just recently started getting into computer audio recording (Cubase 4 on an Intel Mac), and was looking for some improvement over the stock plug-ins. I downloaded a couple of the free Voxengo plug-ins (the Tube Amp and Overtone GEQ), and based on that, will be purchasing some others now.
Echoing what others have said, the Voxengo plug-ins sound musical (what a concept!) and are reasonably priced. It's obvious the person who designed them has a discriminating and musical ear. I was able to make some immediate improvements to a couple tracks with the free plug-ins. I almost feel like I'm using analog gear, due to the warm, musical tone of this software. Great job! I also appreciate the modular concept of the plug-ins, how they all share a number of common parameters, which makes it easier to switch from one to the next.
The Voxengo website is well organized, making it easy to get information on the software. It's also clear that the software is updated regularly to fix any issues that come up. (Wouldn't it be nice if all software companies did this?)
I don't write too many testimonials, but when someone does something right, it should be recognized, and Aleksey Vaneev has done just that. Thank you for designing this software, and making it available to the public.
Greetings from Australia!
In the last couple of days I upgraded my Elephant to v.5 after not having used it for sometime. It absolutely 'blew me away', I'd totally forgotten how good it is.
I'm using it on my drum buss and stereo buss in Cubase 12 Pro, it really kicks ass(!) and has an amazing set of options and clarity if that's what is needed in any given project.
I also use MSED, Crunchessor, Varisaturator, Span and Transgainer with very pleasing results.
In my opinion Voxengos tools are right at the top with the best, and often better than the very expensive ones.
I'd say money spent on Voxengo products is money well spend, thank you, Aleksey. :)
I have had a 'bedroom studio' for the last few years and when it came time to look for mixing and mastering tools outside of Logic's own I did a lot of research into the different brands on the market. Voxengo's was a name consistently associated with high praise. Having bought numerous plug-ins from you I attest to the robustness, usability, elegance and effectiveness of the Voxengo tools and the audible improvements they made to my music. The price, when looking at that of the competition, seems pretty cheap.
I use Crunchessor (powerful all-purpose compressor), Drumformer (great results) and Voxformer, Varisaturator, GlissEQ and HarmoniEQ and the smaller ones, like StereoTouch (so good), Warmifier (very subtle when used correctly) and LF Max Punch (instantly rewarding). When I master I always use CurveEQ (brilliant design), Soniformer and Elephant.
As an amateur, it's hard for me to appreciate just how good these plug-ins are, because I've not tried a lot of the comparable tools from other companies, but as Voxengo always does the job in the way I want, I've no desire to look for any replacements. When I used Elephant, I knew I wouldn't need another limiter; it doesn't add any colour to the mix and it's incredibly powerful. The entire mix is simply elevated, louder, with no apparent negatives. The only one I have no idea how to use is Soniformer, but the presets are really solid, so I don't feel the need to investigate further.
The saturation, EQ and compressors in Voxformer helped me fully realise what my voice could be. I had no idea my vocals could sound so full and warm until I used it, and now my singing has matured to match that sound so well that I don't even need to dump loads of effects anymore, just any quick preset on the Voxformer and there you go: thicker, sunnier, glowing.
I'm so stoked I came across this site, and I will definitely get the Polysquasher in the sale this summer.
What can I say? These plugins are the bees knees! Crunchessor, GlissEQ and VariSaturator make an absolutely killer plugin team; stick them on each of your audio tracks and you have a key which unlocks a whole new sonic world of possibilities.
I have to say, Crunchessor is a FINE compressor, absolutely spectacular on everything from drums to vocals and all in between, with a whole range of different compressor types, from clean to vintage models. I'm not sure if this is emulating a hardware compressor, but it's definitely doing something right!
GlissEQ is one of the most flexible and versatile EQ plugins I have ever worked with. This analyses the audio as you work and gives you an extremely detailed spectrum analysis of your audio, allowing you to make informed decisions on where to boost or cut. If you leave the dynamic control alone, it provides a great EQ experience and will only allow your sound to be made better. Anyone new to EQ should get this, it's superb. Even better, if you have recorded frequencies over 24kHz, like on a vocal take recorded through a top quality mic, GlissEQ lets you observe all frequencies up to 48kHz and beyond, so you can add that airy quality to your vocal tracks.
VariSaturator, in my opinion, is just brilliant. If EQ doesn't quite work, use this instead and you have your solution. Brilliant on drums and guitar tracks.
If you are considering buying some top quality plugins, I would definitely recommend Voxengo time and time again, and I can almost guarantee you will be more than satisfied. If there is one thing I would love to see from Voxengo, it would be the manufacture of yet more stellar processors for audio applications.
Voxengo LF Max Punch,
Voxengo Warmifier,
Voxengo Lampthruster,
Voxengo Crunchessor: