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You know I did not really understand how a good reverb could enhance the sound of a drumkit.  I am amazed that it can sound so good.  With a room reverb they sound larger and right there in the mix.  I certainly appreciate the ability to use impulses from so many different hardware units and real spaces.  Also the ability to change the latency as well as the CPU loading.  I really did um and ahh about buying this plug............could it really do much for me?  I use the UAD dsp plugins and I thought Dreamverb was really good, well it is but not as real as Pristine Space.  Thank you for the best J100 I have spent.  Keep up the good work.
Dave Riggs

In the six months I've been using your plugins I haven't had any technical issues at all.  In fact, they are the only plug-ins that I use to the point of having de-installed almost every other plug-in on my system.  As a software engineer, I'm amazed at the quality of your products... especially amazing since they're written in native assembler.  I just bought the AnalogFlux suite and so far, it looks like another winner.
Paul Blanco

I thought I'd drop you a note just to say that I have no negative issues with the plugins.  I like using all the ones I have and love the sound.  I find them easy to use and understand.  The pricing seems very fair to me as well.  I also wanted to especially note the look of the plugs.  I prefer the straight forward layouts as opposed to very elaborate GUI's or emulations of "vintage" looking devices.
Garry Wasyliw

I was trying out the demo of Pristine Space this morning.  Just wanted to say how beautiful and natural sounding it is.  And to top it off, the interface is one of the easiest to look at for long periods.  Well done! :-) No matter which soft-synth I tried with PS, it made the presets sound even better.
Doug Byfield

Hi Voxengo folks!  I just wanted to say thanks for the free stuff.  I've been using your EssEQ, TubeAmp, TempoDelay (LOVE this one), and StereoTouch for a while now.  I'm a VST 'hobbyist' who plays with this stuff for fun when I get a bit of spare time, but I'll never make any money from my 'tracks', I just enjoy playing for fun.  Because of the free tools from people like you, I've been able to learn about things I always thought would be out of my reach - like mastering, synth programming, etc.  I love all of this knowledge, and the ability to use my computer for stuff like this, and again, it's thanks to the amazing talent and generosity of people like you!  I wouldn't be able to get involved in this world and learn this stuff if I had to pay for the commercial products, because I can't afford them and it's not a priority to me.  Anyway, this is becoming a long message!  I just wanted to say a big 'thanks', you have honestly played a part in changing my world.
Mike McGrath 'Laserguided' - Ottawa, Canada

Today I purchased my first Voxengo plugin the GlissEQ.  To date i have always steered clear of what i thought were Voxengo cheap plugins as i already have have all the UAD, Powercore, TC & Sony plugins.  But i am truly amazed at the GlissEQ even more so as my TC Dynamic EQ cost me 6 times more than the GlissEQ and doesn't have the export FFT spectrum display.  Thank you and well done!
Colin Bassett - Director, 5am Records Limited, UK

It is very hard to find something bad to say about your plugs.  You have helped me make giant leaps in terms of mastering.  As you know, I own most of your plugins and will continue to do so.
Patrick de Caumette

Your products have consistently served me well, and I thank you for it.  Elephant is a home studio godsend.  Thanks from someone who really appreciates the quality of your work and how affordable you make it.
Dan Cray

Hi, I purchased GlissEQ today after trialing it for a while and I have to say it's an absolutely superb product.  For me the ability to layer the spectrum of one track over another is just inspired - why hasn't anyone ever thought of this before!  It provides such useful visual feedback when mixing elements to fit well together within a track.  Excellent work, many thanks!
Chrispy, GlissEQ forum post

I bought CurveEQ and Elephant last week and put them to the test over the weekend.  I just want to say that I'm absolutely blown away, especially with Elephant.  The Curve EQ has answered all my prayers - I've been struggling with FreeFilter for about 2 years and find it so limited and restricted, your interface is not only enjoyable to use but intuitive and highly workable, for me just seeing average DB against frequency is like unlocking all the secrets of the big mastering houses - most of our stuff goes on to vinyl so getting the 20-150Hz range right is vital.  The Elephant is just HUGE compared to Waves L2 (which to me sounds dull in comparison), Elephant lifts the mix right up, kick drums don't get squashed and main leads and bass are just sooo loud without pumping.  3db preset is just the best, this will be our new secret weapon in making mixes sound even bigger & better.  I just want to say a big thanks for writing the above magic tools, you obviously love programming and understanding sound which has given you a great ability to make killer plugins.  I will definitely be commenting on forums and passing on recommendations to others.  Wishing you all the success in the future ;) Best regards.
Phil George - Sound Engineer - Distorted Records UK