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Wow!  It's free and it sounds awesome!  I own and use Line 6 as well as Waves guitar cab sims and they are good, but Boogex is surprisingly good.  I am still amazed that something free could be this wonderful!  Thank you so much for making this product!  I am one happy guitar player!
Joanie Chen

Saved my butt more than a few times.
John Scrip - MASSIVE Mastering (Chicago, IL)

I use Voxengo plugins more than 1,5 year and I am more than satisfied, especialy with redunoise!!  It was the ony one plugin which totally cleaned some of quietly recorded vocal track without any hearable distorsion.
Ivan Serbia

I've been using Voxformer since I believe 1.5 and after living with it a good while it's still the first thing I pull up for any vocal track.  Tuning of the parallel comps is quick and easy and allows for properly fitting a vocal in a mix in very little time without resorting to traditional eq.  It's a feature rich plug and everything in it is solid and passes the test of time with me - there's nothing that gets the 'avoid' label.  It's suprisingly good on acoustic instruments - often the first thing I pull up for them as well.  The oversampling mode gives very solid sounding highs.  For vocals I'll often run a tape sim plug before VF plus another comp after VF as a slow leveler and this combination always delivers the goods.  VF is one of six plugs (others being from Antares, Celemony, Magix, RAL) I consider to be 'mission critical'.

I own and use numerous Voxengo products in my studio.  I find them to be of the highest quality, they are user friendly, and offer tremendous value.  In reality, there are only a few plug-ins that I don't have - in due time I will own them all!  They are that good!  I am in the process of transitioning from hobbyist to project studio owner, and the Voxengo products are foundational for my studio.  With over 20 years in commercial software, I know the real deal when I see it, and Aleksey Vaneev is a gem.  Keep that fantastic software coming Aleksey!
Dan Casey

The SPAN is a great tool - easy to pick up, quite complex but I've got results in the first session....  Definitely sweet = ]
Andy F

Thank you again for your products.  With every new project I find new ways to get the sounds I want with your tools.  Voxengo VSTs are truly part of my workhorse arsenal.

The latest example is LFMax and LFPunch.  At first I thought they were nice enough to buy, but I didn't use them much until recently.  In fact, I had almost considered giving them up.  But recently I sat down with the tools to really see what they're made of -- and that's when I came to really discover their potential in ALL my mixes!

With a clever combination of Crunchessor for sidechaining, LFMax, and LFPunch for all tracks with low-frequency content, my tracks sound ten times better.  I had always thought 'low end will always be sloppy, there's no way to make it sound good'.  I was wrong!

I was always trying to repair slop in the midrange and unbalanced highs with simple EQ, but with LFMax, LFPunch, and Crunchessor, I'm able to tame the low-end and get the sort of solid, even response I've wanted in a wide range of listening conditions -- headphones, studio monitors, and consumer systems with a wide array of subwoofer quality, tone, and loudness "features".

M.  Jones, CFX Music

I record and master a lot of different types of projects.  I have the algorithmix plug-ins, two UAD 1 cards, just about every plugin you can think of.  I just started using the voxengo plugs and "wow", I can't believe how great they sound!!!  They do things to your signal that you strive for with expensive high end gear.

Keep on creating.

Mr.  Woo @ World Class Production

SPAN is something that I've been looking for a long time.  Finally I found it and it was FREE!

It's ultimate tool to mixing and searching the problem-points.

I want to thank the creators of this godlike plugin.

N.  Hujanen

Boogex is great for other things than guitar.  Try it on bass (with the bass cabs) and get a fat and dirty sound for Rock songs or mash up the kick and snare or the whole drum set to get a lot of dirt.