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For today, it seems that the amp sim market is all about getting a good hard driven distortion.  Sure, there are many that do this and get good results, but what about the rest of us clean guitar players?  The clean settings on those new modern amp sims are, well... very lifeless.  Enter Boogex - this is by far the best clean tone amp simulator out there (and I have tried them all).  I close my eyes and swear that there is an old broken-in tube Fender in front of me.  Great job Voxengo and thanks for the great amp!!
B Floyd

I am delighted with my purchase of the latest Voxformer.  I have used your free EQ, MSED and OSVerb for a number of years with useful results.  I have to admit that I sometimes cannot tell the difference between my analog hardware equipment and your Voxformer on a track.  Now that I know how to get what I want with the hardware, your vst filters are easier to understand, along with your excellently written user manuals.  I have used many other vst plug-ins but my first choice is your product, which is why I have invested in it.  Your free selection really does make a loyal customer.  Congratulations on the new look, and the re-sizing too, easier on tired eyes.

Best Regards

WalterT at

Normally, I don´t write testimonials.  Though I must drop Voxengo´s Plugins a line.  These plugins are extraordinary.  Let me explain why: First, Voxengo sells the plugins at less than fair value.  This is very rare nowadays.  Next, it´s the sound.  Here is the stunning part: I know the sound of many professional plugins (as I´m a professional audio engineer) but only a few satisfied me, regardless of famous names like...well, you know all the pro-plugins...Then, one day, I tried the Voxengo Overtone GEQ and couldn´t believe my ears!  For free but what a sound!  It brought my drum group to life again.  So I got curious for all the others.  The next plugin I wanted to give a try was the Stereo Touch.  Again I was stunned.  I recorded a guitar track (mono) and added some of the Stereo Touch by using an Aux send.  Before that it just sounded poor and small, but with some "Stereo Touch"!  You have to hear it yourself!!

Keep your philosophy up, Aleksey Vaneev!

J.M. at Backyard Music

In my studio time is an issue as deadlines are always a problem.  I am constantly being told "I need it yesterday".  And as I work with lots of different vocalists 'Voxengo Voxformer' has become my 'go to' channel strip as it allows me to create a great vocal sound quickly.  The vocals seem to fit into my mixes better and I can create edgier vocal sounds for my tv work that are not too brittle and sharp.  The presets are also very helpful.
Kelvyn 'The Velvet Revolution' music prod company

Pristine Space is so incredibly good and stable!  It has NEVER ever failed in my setup.  I run 2-3 True Stereo instances on a dedicated reverb PC (Sempron 64 3000) with very low latency via FX-Teleport.

Thanks very much Aleksy, for your great products!  Thumbs up!

Peter Emanuel Roos -

Add me to the chorus of people singing praises about Voxengo software.  I've just recently started getting into computer audio recording (Cubase 4 on an Intel Mac), and was looking for some improvement over the stock plug-ins.  I downloaded a couple of the free Voxengo plug-ins (the Tube Amp and Overtone GEQ), and based on that, will be purchasing some others now.

Echoing what others have said, the Voxengo plug-ins sound musical (what a concept!) and are reasonably priced.  It's obvious the person who designed them has a discriminating and musical ear.  I was able to make some immediate improvements to a couple tracks with the free plug-ins.  I almost feel like I'm using analog gear, due to the warm, musical tone of this software.  Great job!  I also appreciate the modular concept of the plug-ins, how they all share a number of common parameters, which makes it easier to switch from one to the next.

The Voxengo website is well organized, making it easy to get information on the software.  It's also clear that the software is updated regularly to fix any issues that come up. (Wouldn't it be nice if all software companies did this?)

I don't write too many testimonials, but when someone does something right, it should be recognized, and Aleksey Vaneev has done just that.  Thank you for designing this software, and making it available to the public.

Tom Cahoon

Elephant is my loudness limiter of choice.  What it does to my mixes is truly astounding!  I would have paid 4 times the amount for this plug in.  Looking at the big picture, Elephant makes more of an impact on my mixes than any microphone or preamp.  Its the only plug in that I absolutely can't live without.  I was using PSP Vintage Warmer and Mastercomp, but once I experienced Elephant's transparency, I was hooked.  This is the only plugin that I consistently recommend.  Buy it now!
Jon Moore

I just want to comment on Voxengo products we use here in the studio.I would say lately they have been the "go-to" plugs we've been using.The Curve EQ,Soniformer,Elephant have replaced all the "big name-big price" plugs that keep getting all the talk.Extremely warm,versitile, and analog.The compliments I've been receiving have been satisfied clients and "How did you get that sound?" We are lucky to have a company and a creator
Steve Moore-Musician/Engineer-Too Fast Records

I've been using Voxengo products since day one and have always been impressed with their quality not even considering the price.  The action of the SPAN meter is the best in the industry and it's the #1 plugin I recommend to all my students and clients to get a better understanding of their mix.  Thank you to the Voxengo team for providing such great tools.
MedwayStudios mastering

Bless up!  Been looking for a long time for a spectral analyzer plugin to drop on master busses for mixing and mastering.  Thanks for providing this tool!
Subatomic Sound