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Just a quick word about Gliss EQ.  This is an excellent EQ that offers the user a different experience with its "dynamic" EQ features.  The filters are smooth, and features are well implemented, and of course the sound quality is excellent as usual with Voxengo.  This plugin is indeed something special.  Thanks to Aleksey and all at Voxengo!
Alan Willey,

What a great plugin. turn it on, turn oversampling up to 4x and listen as whatever you feed through it just sounds.. tighter.

Brilliant. straight away one of the first things i try on my main output at mixing stage.

bills and more bills

i heard about voxengo from a while by a mastering studio and then i read about them

on other forums so i decided to try first the varisaturator and i was impress of the clarity and tone.

so recently i tried the sony dymanic channel strip and i liked it so i start looking around for something similar and run into voxformer and i tried it it blew me away it has everything for shaping almost any instument and sound i used it on drums and it just sit right

especialy on my snare drums it perfect i like the fact that i can split the the frequencies on the compressers and slam them to taste and add warm

the gate is just so easy to use the de-essers works well the saturator is great it is definitely a bang for the money you can use in a whole mix also on sub or master bus

voxformer is a great tool to have at hand for seriuos audio engineers and home studios

ironhead(Es Noel)

I have all kinds of very expensive software, but still I use a lot of Voxengo plug-ins, some of them are really unique.

I purchased Curve EQ yesterday and I'm hooked.  I don't wanna do another job without it.

What sets Curve EQ apart from the competition is not that it perfectly shapes one spectrum into another, there are more that can do that, but the fact that one can't hear that it has been done.  Even huge corrections don't seem to bother the sonics at all.

This makes it a perfect mastering EQ also if you're not after copying another spectrum.

Well done Aleksey

Jeroen Schilder (Arizona Mastering)

The ease of use and high amount of detailed adjustments that comes with each of these plugins is a sign of true passion for developing great music software products.  One by one i'm replacing a lot of high $ plugins in my setup with the Voxengo series - they just sound better and are easy enough for a beginner to use, but powerful and versatile for professional needs
Stefan Anion - DJ / Artist / Producer,

I have used many Compressors, including Sonitus, UAD and many others and I decided to give the Voxengo Crunchessor a try to see how it stood up to highly regarded compressors during mixing.

I was very impressed with the ease of use of the Crunchessor and the ability to tailor sound/tone on this to the instrument.  It did wonders for my drum tracks!  I can't wait to use it on other tracks and see what else I can find to help out with my mixes.  I am very pleased with what it did to my drums!

Ken from Carolina

I messed around with dozens of plug ins for a week trying to get a difficult mix to "pop".  I loaded up Elephant and BOOM, my mix came alive.  I'm sold and I'll be back!
Kevin Woelfel, practitioner & educator

Oh my gosh!  This is amazing.  I have been recording in my home studio for over 8 years and I have always gotten a hollow, narrow, non-professional sound, no matter how hard I tried.  I use good (mid-grade) pro-audio equipment, a quality mic, and decent sounding instruments, however I could never get that professional glaze.  I am a female vocalist, and due to the natural timbre of my voice, combined with my soprano range, my vocals always seemed to sound hoow, with too much reverb and echo (and nor because I added that either).  I bought the voxformer, harmoniEQ, varisaturator, and polysquasher, and downloaded some of the free applications as well.  The difference is remarkable.  I just bought these yesterday- I installed them and worked with them til about midnight last night, then set the CD to burn while I slept.  This morning, I took a listen and WOW.  It sounds like it was done in a professional studio.  Most of that came from the voxformer and harmoniEQ.  Now, I will clean up the little things and add the final gloss with the varisaturator and the polysquasher.  All I can say is "thank you".  After many dead end searches, I finally found the products that work.
A.  Black

Just a quick note to say how outstanding the Elephant 3 limiter is!  Since I began using this highly capable tool, it has replaced my much more expensive "L" series limiters.  Further more, I conducted my own tests between Elephant 3, and the two other main limiters I had been using.

To my ears, Elephant 3 is more transparent and more natural sounding, hands down.  Excellent plug-in.  Highly Recommended!  Thanks very much to Aleksey and all at Voxengo!

Alan Willey,

I have been really impressed with the sound quality results using this sample rate converter.  Downsampling from 192/24 to 44/16 has given high quality results in terms of subjective listening, and I have also used it for upsampling 44/16 to 48/16 with excellent results. (I always use the highest quality setting.) If you really care about the audio quality of digital music and are using high quality files, I recommend using this converter.  I have tested it against most of the other well known options and I find it subjectively the best for resampling music.
Julie Lawrence