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Slick GUI, variety of settings, great sound, competitive price.  I honestly couldn't have asked for more.  Here's a quick review.

- What I like:

All Voxengo plugins have signature GUI which is very convenient and modern-looking, plus it allows me to quickly and easily find and adjust settings on different Voxengo plugins without the need to readapt to another GUI.  I consider it a huge advantage over many other developers who simply copy hardware interface with rust and screws and all, without adapting it to "modern world".

Sound-wise it's also great and flexible, nothing to add here.

- What I'd add to this plugin:

Visual representation of tape EQs which are available in this plugin.  It can be like a floating window when you scroll between impulse modes, just to get a basic idea of what different modes do (I know it's displayed in the manual, but it would still be a nice addition, I think).


Using it since nearly 7 years now...You need punch & micro-pumping to bring back to life beat's articulation, Polysquasher is THE TOOL.
Christophe Chapelle, Sinetracks Mastering, Toulouse, France

This compressor is so good, so easy to use, so forgiving even at higher levels of gain reduction.  It's become my go to compressor while tracking.  And the subtle saturation when it's pushed is sooo good!  Most times I don't even think to change the attack and release settings.  I also have the Marquis Compressor which might be more versatile (maybe, but Crunchessor is already so versatile), but this one's so easy to dial in.

Span is an excellent plugin!  The features are productive and intelligent; and the information is so useful in the workflow!  Especially, control-click to preview a frequency, and right-click to copy is right on.  Viewing the pitch as well as frequency is great among others, and the density meter too.  Plus the M-S mode is a great plus.  All the rest is excellent!  Keep it up!
Steven Coco

I was addicted and used to using a plugin from a company that no longer exists today. and for a while i thought i wouldn't find something i really like. after trying a lot I got to know the elephant!!  What a wonderful job!  Congratulations to all your developers! for now I bought the ebus limiter which is an elephant module but which has already solved my life. but soon I'll buy the complete elephant because I still have it demo!  Congratulations and best wishes!
Filipi Marcos de Souza

I try to avoid and have working at the same times, 2 Reason senses (Audition and Vision).

But when my Audition is a bit lost, Vision comes in and SPAN Plus is always laying at the back of my session.

It helps me to work faster and get back on tracks quicker.

When my students ask me a good Analyzer I say : SPAN.

Christophe Chapelle, Sinetracks Mastering, Toulouse, France

Nothing comes close to the Elephant's release settings.  That thing can give you punch and loudness at the same time...

Elephant is my goto Final Limiter since... i cannot remember how long.  It is on every masters I do.  From Carl Craig to Moodymann to ProleteR to....  Everywhere.

Christophe Chapelle, Sinetracks Mastering, Toulouse, France

r8brain does exactly what you expect.  Quality software.  The non-existing startup time made me smile.  Some people still know how to write software that doesn't suck.
Edvin Holm

This was one of my favorite free guitar amp sims in version 1.  I wasn't too crazy about version 2, but Voxengo 3 is an awesome update of the original, excellent for any sound you can imagine in your head, endlessly tweakable on account of the parametric EQ tonestack that replaces the usual preset bass-mid-treble-presence layout.  The sound engine is a major quality upgrade to an already great sounding amp sim, and the new dynacab feature, while a little confusing until you RTM, really adds depth to the speaker possibilities, including loading your own IRs.

Here is my video demo.

Rich Rath

Wow!  Voxengo knocked it out of the park again with Peakbuster.  I've long recommended TEOTE, and this seems to be the perfect-pairing!  It's different enough that you want both.

I can't explain what it does -- all I know is it makes my songs sound better.  Not in a way that has artifacts, like some other 'betterizers'...  Peakbuster "just works" without adding any fatiguing side effects.  It adds the kind of magic that when you turn it off --- you turn it back on as quickly as possible and think, "What would I have done if I didn't have this?!"

You think you're done with your mix and then Peakbuster adds something better that you didn't even know you needed, but once you hear it you don't want to remove it.

I'm using Peakbuster with TEOTE, Marquis Compressor, Elephant Limiter, and Span Plus.  I EQ on my submix busses, so that's a perfect Voxengo mixbus mastering chain for me.

I'm always happy when I get a plugin that I can use on every track, and all 5 of those fit that bill.  Peakbuster is outstanding!

Junkyard Sam