Summer 2024 Discount at Voxengo: 15% OFF

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I am using quite a few of your plugins as bus masters for film & TV sound post.  Elephant after Polysquasher is fantastic to envelope the final mix and peak limiter for broadcast specs.  Voxformer is an excellent way to control and punch vocals without sounding over processed.  Soniformer is my preferred plugin for music pre mix stems but until recently, I wasn't quite happy with a compressor for FX stem control, but the new Drumformer is perfect for this.

HarmoniEQ and GlissEQ are both really useful to enhance without fatigue and also interesting EQs to use on denoised material.  Great plugins and so reasonable priced.  They work perfectly in my Fairlight host.

Michael Gissing , Digital City Studios, Australia.

Voxengo Recorder is the perfect tool for just fooling around with a synth or fx and capturing all the cools sounds, tweaks and ideas you come up with.

Incredibly easy to use and the quality is top notch!

I can't believe its FREE!

Thanks Voxengo

DJ Dauntless

I am so thankful for the tools that you have made.  I am able to achieve control over sound that is simply impossible with "two-knob plugins." They certainly have their place, but I prefer to understand the character of different flavors of sound and mix/transform music with conscious intention, just as songwriters do so when creating their work initially.  Your tools enable me to express what I see/hear in my mind's eye/ ear.

I just bought LF Max Punch, which went very swift.  Installation was as simple as an installation can get...  I have a very positive experience with voxengo, keep up the good work!!

I'm testing it on some old songs of me (Of course I already tested the demo) and it blows me away.  Just what my songs need.

And thanks for keeping things affordable.

manducator (posted on forum)

With the new SPAN 2.0, my trusted Pinguin metering is now gathering "cyber-dust" sitting on the "cyber-shelf".

Side by side they are 99.99.9% identical in readings and response time....but the visual cues in SPAN are just a lot easier on my old eye's.  Add in the K-Metering that everyone is so hot on and you got a great piece of software at my favorite price point!

I am amazed at the quality of the free software available today for us home studio owners, and Voxengo is leading the way....Thank You!


Hands down my favorite master bus plugin that I've ever used.  I use this for hip hop and dance and it brings new life to my rough ideas as well as final productions/mixes.  A must have!!!!!!
DJ Frank E

My first album was an instrumental metal album with electronic instruments and orchestra crammed in and I was at wits end trying to get it up to current volume levels and not destroy the sound.  I tried a number of other popular compressors\limiters that cost much more and could not get the sound I wanted.  I finally tried the Elephant and I couldn't believe how simple the interface was...and how well it just worked!  I've since recommeneded it to others, one friend who was in a punk band came back to me and said, "That plugin worked miracles!".  I literally use the Elephant at the end of my chain for every project now.  It's a given.

I also bought Soniformer that same day and I've been very happy with it's performance.  It's one of the only EQ\multiband compressors I trust to hand delicate high frequencies without distortion.  It's extremely powerful, though the serious control provided makes for a somewhat confusing interface.  Also I wish it provided for seperate left\right channel EQing\Compression. (of course that would clutter the interface even more haha!)

Scott Morgan

For ITB mastering, it's hard to beat the color, and flexibility of Overtone GEQ.  There's a lot of analog-styled EQ's on the market, but I've yet to find one that really warms up the music the way Overtone does.  For such a high-quality sound, combined with the ability to process with m/s, I can't believe it's free.  I'd have gladly paid for an EQ this great!
Shawn Hatfield - AudibleOddities Mastering

I've been using the elephant for mastering and I find it extremely musical.  I'm currently demoing glissEQ and harminiEQ, polysquasher,deft compressor and soniformer.  I find them all extremely musical.  And at the end of the day it is music we are working with so it makes sense to work with plugins that make your music sound even better.  I've done an extensive test comparing gliss EQ and Pro Q by fab filter and found gliss EQ sounds better every time.  It is more open, more transparent, more sweet and musical.  I read in another forum that pro Q was far better but this just isn't true.  Yes pro Q is very good but it still doesn't bring any life to the sound like gliss and harmoni EQ do.  Everything just seems to come alive with voxengo plugins.  I've only owned elephant up to now and when I mix I can't wait till the mastering stage to use elephant cause I know what its going to do to my sound.  I don't think twice any more when it comes to voxengo because I've learn't to trust my ears and when I hear something special I look no further.

I wanted to thank you for giving users the ability to receive emails when you've updated a plug-in.  You've always been good about fixing bugs and making improvements to your plug-ins, which is definitely not true with all companies.  I've also always been impressed with how well organized your website is.

Yours were some of the first 3rd party plug-ins I purchased, after trying out the free plug-ins you generously made available.  I consistently use the Voxformer (a wonderful all-in-one vocal processor, but works great for bass & drums too), the Elephant (I always use it for limiting on the Main Out bus) and the GlissEQ (very flexible) on my songs.

Since starting out with Voxengo plug-ins, I've purchased a number of plug-ins from other companies, mostly compressors and EQ's.  Many of these are modeled after "classic" compressors and EQ's, and many of them do sound good.  Having said that, I've gone back a number of times and done comparisons to my Voxengo versions, and I'm constantly reminded of how good your plug-ins sound.  In many cases, after making some adjustments, I don't hear a significant difference (which is always a little surprising, considering how much I paid for the other ones).

Your plug-ins are easy to use with a minimum of tweaking, but are also capable of deeper editing, for experimenting or fine-tuning.  They also interface well with my DAW, doing what they're "supposed to do", without many of the annoying glitches that a number of the other ones have.  In other words, you pay attention to the details, which makes for an enjoyable and predictable user experience.

Thank you again for your great sounding (and affordable!) products.

Tom Cahoon