Summer 2024 Discount at Voxengo: 15% OFF

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If you ever discontinue the Gliss EQ, um... we will no longer be friends, haha.  It is my ultimate secret weapon for channels, busses and mastering chain.  You couldn't pry it from my cold dead virtual hands!  Spend the time and get to know this plugin as intimately as possible.  Used skillfully, no other parametric graphic EQ comes close to it.  NOTHING!
Alien Implant (artist and mastering engineer)

Hi! just droping by to say that the Elephant is a truly amazing limiter, I use the Slate FG mastering plugin for the clipping capabilities, but always put the Elephant after it for a truly finished, clean and loud master.  I've been using it for years, and I'm still re-discovering! great job!!!


Cristobal Tapia de Veer

Soniformer has proved to be an incredible tool for controlling low frequency content without having to statically cut into the low-end.  I am very pleased with its transparent sound and it has already contributed to great sounding masters for my clients.  I have also used it with some success taming harsh high-mid content.  I am really glad to have it in my tool box.
Luke Gilfeather - Mastering Engineer -

Don't be fooled by the "toy-like" GUI.  This reverb is absolutely BRILLIANT on vocals.  It simply puts vocals where they have to be in a mix.  I have other reverb plugins, free and not.  No comparisons.  On vocals this plugin simply shines.  It adds "ambience" and "depth" without blur the dry signal.  I've had it for a lot of time in my vst plugin folder, ignoring it ;

then a day, after having tried all the other reverbs i have, for fun i put it on the vocal FX bus and "wooow!" Never looked back!

Thanks Voxengo!  Aleksey you're a genius and a generous developer!


Stereo Touch is an essential piece of gear to me...on my first effort at engineering a recording of a Native Drum group, I had only one overhead mic at my disposal.  Voxengo ST took the lifeless mono tracks and expanded them to breathtakingly full stereo effects...with it, I was able to capture every male/female voice, every hand rattle, every cough even, to stand out in the mix.  Needless to say, my clients were thrilled after hearing the before and the after with ST.  In my own music, it's a go-to part of kit for vocals and guitars, featured on my latest release, HEAVY MUSE.  Thanks ever so much...and I just downloaded your Delay, based on a heads up from another engineer/producer friend of mine!

If you could see my list of vst plugins and dxi plugins of every brand I have to choose from you wouldn't believe it.  When trying to make a choice as to what to use when processing a track or mix, I would usually turn to the most expensive and name brand plugins in my arsenal.  One day I noticed I was turning more to Voxengo plugins.  When I was auditioning various plugins to find the most usable processing for a particular track, I found myself time after time returning to Voxengo plugins, and for goodness sakes, these were the free plugins.  I remember one day the light went on and I thought," you know what?  These are very good plugins!" I have been engineering for nearly 35 years and now that I have my own personal studio, I will always audition Vorengo plugins first, why waste valuable time trying anything else.
Jackie Dixon

I just use few plugins for do my works and Now i using Voxformer for my work's.It make my work's easy and also it's easy to learn.So i highly recommend Voxformer is one of the best VST plugin I ever use.Thanks so much for such a great product!

Voxengo Elephant is hands down my favorite limiter.  I own a lot of different limiters, and prior to purchasing Elephant, found myself having to test several per song in an attempt to find the one that did the least damage with its limited features and distinct characteristics.  Eventually I'd find something that worked OK but I never felt as satisfied with the sound as I do with Elephant.  I'm grateful to Aleksey for adding in a lot of important features, features that many others seem content on leaving out, and for giving us the ability to tinker around under the hood for more complex setups.  It can be a little daunting at first trying to understand what everything does, but with a little perseverance, it all begins to make sense and then you truly realize how powerful and flexible this limiter really is.  It excels at remaining transparent even at extreme levels and with a bit of fine tuning, is the best limiter I have in my arsenal for those clients looking for maximum level with as much of the transient clarity intact.  Of course there's a point where it all begins to fall apart, but Elephant has the ability to go farther than the rest.
Shawn Hatfield -

It works perfect; Solved my problem; is FREE; outstanding performance :)

I decided you deserved my testimonial.  Thank you for the excellent services :)


Thanks for a great product guys, the Elephant is an amazing limiter.  Wins out over many of my other [considerably more expensive] limiters on many projects, retaining transparency, clarity and punch.  It’s intuitive to use, has all the additional controls I need, plus the “graphs” and metering statistics are the icing on the cake.

Thanks again,


Paul Butler Tayar - The Butler Mastering, Sydney Australia