Summer 2024 Discount at Voxengo: 15% OFF

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I just want to say thank you for making amazing plugins.  All of your plugins sound great, are easy to use, and offer so many features providing ease of use, but also provide deep customization.  This is no small feat..especially coming from one person!

Thank you for your dedication to providing great sounding plugins.



I'm sort of new with DAW's, previously I "decided" to go with samplitude, but later found it to restrictive since it can't handle 7.1 surround (or itself without crashing), unless one looses his/her mind and cough's up $3000 for Sequoya.  My choice has fallen on Reaper, which is clearly above everything I've ever likely to come across.  As THE DAW it is capable of doing everything I / you could ever need, especially when combining it with Voxengo's plugins, WOW!, I mean you people are incredible, and I know that because my ears tells me so.  The end result is everything that ever mattered, which is why we're all doomed, but that's another story ;o)


Voxengo Curve EQ is "must have" plugin IMHO.  Spectrum comparison and analysis in modern music production is crucial.This plugin is definitely the best in this area (I've tried a lot) I'm really 100% sure about all eqing I do during mastering sessions, cause I analyze a lot and compare a lot using Voxengo Curve EQ.
Roman Styx, music producer, mixing/mastering engineer


Dear Voxengo guys,

Thank you , thank you, thank you!  I just want to express my appreciation for your outstanding products.  There is nothing on the plug-in market even close to the quality you offer.  I have bought seven of your plug-ins and I'm using them in all my productions from now on.  They are just amazing, period.

If you could come up with a vocal tuner as well, I'd buy it faster than lightning.

Many tanks and best wishes to all of you guys!  Kind regards

Daniel Vållberg, Lightyear Sweden

Friendly greetings Aleksey!

I wanted to thank you directly for Voxengo Elephant.  Every time a new limiter comes out on the market, I test it thoroughly versus Elephant, but ALL contenders to date (over the last four years) have been crushed at Elephant's massive feet.  Despite compelling marketing copy, those competitors simply can't handle the extreme dynamics and transients I throw at Elephant, which rides the peaks a lot more transparently.  The TRANS TIME knob is magic — if I hear unwanted distortion in a saturated track rich with ambience, I simply turn it up and the ugliness is gone.  I can retain a good balance between punch and clarity, something which is unintuitively difficult in "other limiters".

You should know that I used Elephant on my album that won the Spectrasonics-Bob Moog Foundation's OMG-1 Grand Prize: From phat breakbeats to eloquent arpeggiators, Elephant is versatile and able to treat it all.  Elephant's high-quality at low-latency makes it possible to use in a "realtime mastering chain", which is essential to my workflow and makes it easy to hear the near-final result instantly.  Plus, auto-oversampling works like a charm.

What's more, EVERYONE out there should know how mature and stable Elephant is.  It's almost a decade old, wow!  Long ago, I grew irritated with lesser limiters that didn't keep backward compatibility modes in mind, since that inconsistency wastes time.  But I'm glad that although Elephant continues to be in active development, it has really settled into a beautiful place in my creation process.

On top of all this, Elephant's price continues to provide the best bang-for-buck.  What incredible value for a truly versatile tool!

Keep being creative — you've truly made it easier for musicians like me to make our music shine.

Torley Wong (Whidbey Island, Washington)

I have been using Elephant and Soniformer while mastering for YEARS and there isn't a better combo for raising gain and controlling compression/eq without squashing the whole mix.  Sometimes I add in the TransGainer for that extra sizzle and especially to liven up a room mic or a drum bus.  The versatility of the products really shine when you get into the details.  And the fact that I use them sometimes in 20 instances (Elephant makes a great limiter) in Cubase 5 on a PC and never bog my system down and keep low latency.  That is just great programming and the reason I will be back for more!  My songs recorded with your products have been on radio, film and TV, so thanks for supplying such remarkable tools!
Terry McClain, Delvin Shade Music



I've been using your plugins for quite a while now.

Also right now, actually.

Time to say THANKS for some GREAT TOOLS!  These are my main tools on the digital side.

Also I would like to state, that I really like your pricing.  With some other plugins, I feel that I really pay a lot for a big name or whatever and I don't really enjoy that.  For Voxengo Plugins, every dollar I gave - I gave it to you with pleasure! :)

Cheers from Berlin,


Hey, I'm a professional who uses a few free plugins (especially like the tube pre sim, and once upon a time I was a Boogex advocate as well) and two commercial ones.  I just got Voxformer and GlissEQ.  I have evaluated GlissEQ in the past and found that it really is NOTHING like any other EQ I've ever tried, I love it, no other EQ can do what it does.  Amazing work there, thank you for making such a fantastic plugin.

I'm still getting to know Voxformer, but I just wanted to thank you for making such high quality plugins, ensuring cross-compatibility, putting out 64-bit versions (what is UP with other devs, get with the times people...), and putting them out at a price that isn't out of reach for those of us who aren't making a killing, just making music.

Thank you for your great work and I look forward to adding more Voxengo plugins to my collection as need requires and finances allow.

Very best regards,

Jeff Baker

Great plugin! i love how it can be customized, everything nice, big, easy to read, and accurate. all that for free, what a wonderful world we live in
Dominic Dot Okune

Superb SPAN!  Solo voice narration is challenging to record well.  There's nothing to mask even slight noises.  With the help of SPAN, I have been able to upgrade my noise floor right across the spectrum, and review vocal habits.  Greatly superior to anything used before.  Can measure right down to digital nothingness, and resolve tight filter settings.  Perfect.  Big thanks to you Aleksey.
Howard Ellison (Devon UK)