Summer 2024 Discount at Voxengo: 15% OFF

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I don't normally stop and thank the architect of some amazing work, who I see also answers the support line but you deserve high praises for what you have accomplished.  In two days you have given me the tools to elevate my music more than I have done in the last 3 years.  I have always hated the sound of limiting, (never found a good one digital or analog) and now with THE HUGE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM, I am able to hear my way through the process, finding just the right settings to get a pro commercial sound.  Master buss with Sonar X3, UAD Ampex tape emulation, Polysquasher (gentle) The Elephant +3 or so, and final analog gui-ness from a Rupert Neve Portico II.  Your products were the missing link.  Thanks so much!
Brian Lee Bender

Using Voxformer with me talking into a $35US Audio Technica AT2005USB USB dynamic microphone in a room with no sound dampening, 18 inches (45.72 cm) away from the fans on my computer work station, with the air conditioning unit 12 feet (3.6576 meters) running and blowing directly on me and the recording/sound quality was incredible!  I placed the recording on Soundcloud. Hear the results
Arlee Carson

My rig includes several Voxengo plugs, and I've just got the Marvel EQ.  It sounds quite transparent.  I think it will be really useful for various LF instruments especially.  My one regret at this point is that it doesn't include a high pass filter, since all the others in my Nuendo system are not linear.

Tried out Drumformer on some of my previously projects and treated drum tracks, Drumformer moved the sound one big step ahead!  Smooth and creamy sound or crisply and punchy, pumpy or aggressive, it works greatly on any kind of music production.  I highly recommend it!

As good as waves NLS with the option to design console saturation, tube harmonics and Tube Grit and distortion, this is THE CONSOLE EMULATOR, it is what lampthruster was trying to achieve which I still have and use often.  The sound is Exceptional and I rate voxengo FX as an alternative for musical enthusiasts who cant afford the big name FX, but voxengo FX are even better than some of the "suggested by pros" FX vsts and give many a run for their money.  Soniformer 3 is the best processor for mastering I have ever used with the only downside being the processor hit and it has an excellent vintage tape vibe

Thanks to this VST, my mixdown has improved, I can cut frequencies now with ease.
Innes Erthser

Futuristic tools!  Voxengo has a great variety of tools with great quality!  Excellence and affordability!
Fabian Prezja - Music Producer/DSP Analyst (

I'm been pursuit for the harmonic sound for my music in PC, then I encountered Foobar2000, a music player program, then I introduced the Voxengo tube amp, warmifier and finally warmifier's VST plugins into the given player.  After optimized the setting among VST and player, it produced the sound that pure, clear, clean, crispy, and warm.  The journey for harmonic sound was end by mean of Voxengo's VST plugins.

DUDE!  What the heck!!!  I'm so pissed!  Do you know how many years I've wasted writing and producing music WITHOUT soniformer???  I don't even want to think of it.  I am a fan of pretty much everything voxengo puts out, but soniformer is absolute magic!!!  Thanks to this VST I was able to master a demo track I had created to use as a resume for potential clients whom I want to record in my studio - sure enough, a band I've been trying to get to sign on with me for 5 years FINALLY signed due to the quality of production I am now able to achieve.  Thank you VOXENGO!!! (guess I'll have to revisit those old tracks...)
Joel Brim

Shinechilla works great on low male vocals!

The addition of harmonics gives a bright, full sound.  This is going to be my favorite VOX plug!

Bo R.  Larsen, Studio Don Guanella