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Spectrum analysis - Q&A

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  Compared to competing spectrum analyzers, Voxengo analyzers seem to have a reduced low-end resolution, and visually look less "fluid".
Compared to competing spectrum analyzers, Voxengo analyzers seem to have a reduced low-end resolution, and visually look less "fluid".
The resolution in the low-end part of the spectrum can be increased by increasing the FFT Block Size setting.  At the same time, a lower Avg Time and an increased Overlap setting can be both recommended so that the spectrum is updated more frequently thus giving a more "fluid" looks.  These recommendations are especially relevant if project's sample rate is 96000 or higher.  Competing analyzers may offer pre-selected FFT analysis settings.  On the other hand, Voxengo spectrum analyzers give you more choices for FFT analysis customization.  Note that plug-in's FPS setting and host application's audio block size also affect visual refresh rate.
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  I cannot seem to equate spectrum to the overall loudness.  I have -9 LUFS master, but readings across the spectrum are lower than -24 dBFS.
I cannot seem to equate spectrum to the overall loudness.  I have -9 LUFS master, but readings across the spectrum are lower than -24 dBFS.
Individual components of the spectrum are usually much quieter than the summary energy, so getting readings across the spectrum lower than the overall output level is a norm.  Also take a note of the "Slope" mode setting which applies a constant slope over the spectrum making lower frequencies appear quieter.
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