Product - Deconvolver - Q&A

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  Is it possible to use Deconvolver for removing a reverb from "wet" acoustical recordings?
  What would be a good signal to use with Deconvolver?  Can I use custom test signals?
  I ran a generated sine sweep in Cubase through some FX and then tried to deconvolve them with the demo of Deconvolver.  All I kept getting was silence.  Is there something I am doing wrong?
  When I deconvolve a signal I get 1 second of silence before the transient spike.  Is this normal?  Should I just edit the result so the spike starts at time 0?
  I understand how reverb impulses work - but can't really understand how "hardware" (equalizer, compressor) impulses can work.
  I have run into some issues using the minimum-phase transform function of Deconvolver.  In some cases the sound becomes phasy and extremely bright and for the most part unusable.  Is this normal?
  I have a question about the Deconvolver.  I'm wondering if it generates phase locked sine sweeps.  By phase-locked, I mean that if the sweep starts from zero amplitude at 20 Hz, it should hit a zero crossing at the point where the frequency doubles, triples, quadruples, etc., the starting frequency.
  When capturing a certain reverb impulse from the rack reverb processing unit I always end up with an impulse that has the sine sweep present in it.  How can this problem be resolved?
  Is it advisable for the calculations to normalize both input and recording first, before processing?
  I get several quite random clicks/spikes in the impulse response after performing deconvolution.  What is the reason for such behavior?
  The Deconvolver tool is throwing an error, "The recorded file cannot be shorter than the test tone file", or all I'm getting are short unusable files.  Why does this happen?
  I find that MP transform works well at 48kHz, but above that sample rate the signal seems to be greatly affected when I use the MP transform.  What is the reason of such behavior?
  What test signal length do you recommend for capturing speaker IRs?
  Does Deconvolver support 96000 and 192000 sample rates?
  I've noticed a hard clip finish played at the end of the 10 second tone (generated in Deconvolver) when I blast it out of the speaker into the room.  Is this as it should be or should the sound simply sweep up to 20kHz with no click at the end?