Demo/commercial installations and downloads - Q&A
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I'm experiencing audio drop outs every 30 seconds or so. Is this supposed to happen with demo versions of Voxengo audio plug-in software?
I'm experiencing audio drop outs every 30 seconds or so. Is this supposed to happen with demo versions of Voxengo audio plug-in software?
Yes, of course, these are demo version audio drop outs. Please purchase the plug-in's license to transform the demo version of a plug-in into the normal (purchased) version.
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I cannot test demo version of a software product because a key is needed?
I cannot test demo version of a software product because a key is needed?
You do not need a key to try the demo version of any Voxengo software product. The product runs in the demo mode until you authorize/register it with the purchased product key.
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I would like to install your plug-ins, but the download files do not contain any executable files.
I would like to install your plug-ins, but the download files do not contain any executable files.
A setup file which is provided contains a module file which is a plug-in module: it can only be loaded in audio host applications that support VST, AAX, or AudioUnit plug-ins (e.g. Steinberg Cubase, Apple Logic Pro, Ableton Live, ProTools, Reaper, etc.). Please follow the "How to setup?" instructions presented together with the download link in order to install the plug-in correctly. If you are on Windows, also make sure to install a correct (32-bit or 64-bit) version of the plug-in to match your audio host application's bit'ness.
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Where do I download the products I paid for?
Where do I download the products I paid for?
Please visit the User Area page and download setup files for products you paid for. Even though they are labeled "Demo" after installation, you will be able to transform them into fully working versions by entering the corresponding product keys. Note that the exact authorization routine is described at the User Area, via the link placed next to the corresponding product key.
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I am setting up my new DAW, and I want to install an older version of a Voxengo plug-in, which I bought a while ago. On the website I can only find a newer version. Of course, when I enter my old registration details it doesn't activate. I would be grateful if you could tell me how to download the installer for the previous version.
I am setting up my new DAW, and I want to install an older version of a Voxengo plug-in, which I bought a while ago. On the website I can only find a newer version. Of course, when I enter my old registration details it doesn't activate. I would be grateful if you could tell me how to download the installer for the previous version.
You may download the previous version via the User Area only. If you do not see it listed there you should first use the "Add Product Keys" function to add your product key to the User Area.
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Where are the "manuals" for your software products? I see them mentioned in forums but cannot locate them.
Where are the "manuals" for your software products? I see them mentioned in forums but cannot locate them.
The user guides (manuals) are presented in the form of PDF documents on the individual product pages as language-named links, and are also distributed together with the software setup files.
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I cannot seem to make Voxengo plug-ins appear in Ableton Live's or other host's plug-in list. I'm using Windows Vista.
I cannot seem to make Voxengo plug-ins appear in Ableton Live's or other host's plug-in list. I'm using Windows Vista.
Please make sure you have installed Voxengo plug-ins into the correct plug-in folder: the one which your audio host application (Ableton Live or another) is configured to scan for plug-ins. You may also need to correctly set the "custom" plug-in folder in that application.
Also make sure you are installing the correct version of the plugin: for example, Ableton Live 64-bit requires 64-bit VST plug-in version. ProTools requires AAX plug-in version. Many macOS audio host applications need AudioUnit plug-in version. If you are using 32-bit audio host application you will need to install 32-bit version of a plug-in.
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I'm using native Win64 audio host application (Sonar). Which plug-in variant should I download?
I'm using native Win64 audio host application (Sonar). Which plug-in variant should I download?
You should download Win64 version of the plug-in since it should match host's code version. For example, if you were using Win32 host, even on Vista 64, you should have used Win32 version of the plug-in as well.
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