Voxengo Warmifier
Tube Enhancer Plugin
Downloaded by 2783 users, 126 countries (recent 90 days)
At first I was put off by the plain looks of these Plugins. I'd pay twice or three times as much money for something that 'looked the part' but ultimately didn't sound even half as good as Voxengo. I'm learning how other Companies 'talk about' 'warm' and 'old' and 'analogue'. Voxengo just gets on with the job and delivers 10 out of 10, everytime. The funny thing is, is that I'm beginning to like those quirky looks after all :) Daniel, Dublin/Ireland!
I am a 31-year-old musician that has been singing and playing guitar for 17 years. My two brothers and a lifelong friend have been writing and performing music together for over 10 years. We have gone to local studios and paid tons of money only to be rushed, overcharged, and unhappy with the end result of our music. Therefore, we decided to record our latest efforts ourselves. I studied, researched, practiced, and sought advice from several forums. I was happy with everything about our project, exept my vocals. They just sounded "dry" and "metallic". I couldn't put my finger on it, but my vocals sounded very weak next to our music (we play alternative rock...think Coheed and Cambria meets The Mars Volta). The Warmifier paired with the Voxformer is an absolutely astounding solution. My vocals sound rich, warm, and polished. Believe me, I've tried several plug-ins (compressors, EQ's, Modulators, etc., etc.) with less than satisfying results (glitches, poor quality, system crashes, you name it) but these two Voxengo plug-ins are an instant fix. I really am surprised at the difference this plug-in makes. It's almost imperceptable....very subtle, but definately there! Extremely easy to use.....I use two presets that come with the plug-ins "Warmer and Richer" on the Warmifier and "Smooth as Silk" on the Voxformer. I will be posting this on the Voxformer page as well. Thanks Voxengo.....
Your products are amazing!
From your incredibly useful free-plugs to the very cheap and fantastic sounding payplugs.
I am recommending your company to anyone who'll listen, so please keep up the good work!
All the best,