Voxengo Tube Amp free
I'm sort of new with DAW's, previously I "decided" to go with samplitude, but later found it to restrictive since it can't handle 7.1 surround (or itself without crashing), unless one looses his/her mind and cough's up $3000 for Sequoya. My choice has fallen on Reaper, which is clearly above everything I've ever likely to come across. As THE DAW it is capable of doing everything I / you could ever need, especially when combining it with Voxengo's plugins, WOW!, I mean you people are incredible, and I know that because my ears tells me so. The end result is everything that ever mattered, which is why we're all doomed, but that's another story ;o)
I've been using your plugins for quite a while now.
Also right now, actually.
Time to say THANKS for some GREAT TOOLS! These are my main tools on the digital side.
Also I would like to state, that I really like your pricing. With some other plugins, I feel that I really pay a lot for a big name or whatever and I don't really enjoy that. For Voxengo Plugins, every dollar I gave - I gave it to you with pleasure! :)
Cheers from Berlin,