Voxengo Tube Amp free

Tube Overdrive Plugin
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User Guide (PDF): English, Français, Deutsch, Русский язык
Primary User Guide (PDF): English, Français, Deutsch
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Voxengo Tube Amp does wonderful job for taming dynamic peaks.  So I say that Tube Amp can be used as a good bus compressor or a decent limiter.  If you raised Drive knob slightly, it would supress the peaks and would not result in any audible distortion.  If you reduced the dybamic of peaks by about 3 dB or little more, listeners would not notice audible difference between Tube Amp and expensive compressor or limiter plugins.  And the more important fact is that Tube Amp adds warm saturation of tube amp to your track.  So Tube Amp is perfect 'glue' compressor or limiter for master bus.  This is very easy solution.


I'm sort of new with DAW's, previously I "decided" to go with samplitude, but later found it to restrictive since it can't handle 7.1 surround (or itself without crashing), unless one looses his/her mind and cough's up $3000 for Sequoya.  My choice has fallen on Reaper, which is clearly above everything I've ever likely to come across.  As THE DAW it is capable of doing everything I / you could ever need, especially when combining it with Voxengo's plugins, WOW!, I mean you people are incredible, and I know that because my ears tells me so.  The end result is everything that ever mattered, which is why we're all doomed, but that's another story ;o)



I've been using your plugins for quite a while now.

Also right now, actually.

Time to say THANKS for some GREAT TOOLS!  These are my main tools on the digital side.

Also I would like to state, that I really like your pricing.  With some other plugins, I feel that I really pay a lot for a big name or whatever and I don't really enjoy that.  For Voxengo Plugins, every dollar I gave - I gave it to you with pleasure! :)

Cheers from Berlin,


Plugin Software Compatibility

Compatible 64-bit Mac OS and Windows PC VST, AudioUnit, AAX, VST3 plugin host software: Ableton Live, Cubase, Logic Pro, REAPER, Pro Tools, FL Studio, Studio One, OBS, Bitwig Studio, Nuendo, WaveLab, Vegas, SoundForge, GarageBand, Cakewalk, Adobe Audition, Samplitude, Digital Performer, Mixcraft, Edius, others.  Note that for Logic Pro you should download the "AU, AAX" package.

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