Voxengo r8brain free
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Let me introduce myself. My name is Yuri Naumov, I'm a blues guitar player and songwriter, currently living in New York City. Few months ago I digitally remastered my album Violet (originally recorded in 1995) and for the final step (24/96 to 16/44.1 conversion) used your free r8brain program - with fabulous results! I would like to express my respect and gratitude for your talent and dedication.
I once had r8brain but lost it after computer upgrades etc ,its a very handy little plugin to have. Its nice to record at 96khz bandwidth for the benefits it gives,but I find doing mixing at this samplerate taxes the system and every plugin turns into a potential cpu hog. So I'm glad I remembered about r8brain to help me out in the file sample rate conversion dpt'.
thankx again
Hi Voxengo folks! I just wanted to say thanks for the free stuff. I've been using your EssEQ, TubeAmp, TempoDelay (LOVE this one), and StereoTouch for a while now. I'm a VST 'hobbyist' who plays with this stuff for fun when I get a bit of spare time, but I'll never make any money from my 'tracks', I just enjoy playing for fun. Because of the free tools from people like you, I've been able to learn about things I always thought would be out of my reach - like mastering, synth programming, etc. I love all of this knowledge, and the ability to use my computer for stuff like this, and again, it's thanks to the amazing talent and generosity of people like you! I wouldn't be able to get involved in this world and learn this stuff if I had to pay for the commercial products, because I can't afford them and it's not a priority to me. Anyway, this is becoming a long message! I just wanted to say a big 'thanks', you have honestly played a part in changing my world.