Voxengo PrimeEQ

Track Equalizer Plugin
Windows Logo Mac OS Logo VST3 Logo AudioUnit Logo AAX Logo
User Guide (PDF): English, Français, Deutsch, Русский язык
Primary User Guide (PDF): English, Français, Deutsch
I have the bundle of your plugins, which I use mainly for voice-overs on our story podcasts.  They are all great, especially for adding a hint of vintage sound.  My current favourite is Prime EQ.  It's a hidden gem.  It's a very easy-to-use EQ, but what I especially appreciate is that it adds a "pure" quality and it brings clarity and life to a track.  Cпасибо большое!
Hugh Fraser.  Storynory Podcast.  UK.

The Voxengo Suite has absolutely made music production and mixing more fun, efficient and creative.  The workflow and visualization of PrimeEQ has made it my go-to Parametric EQ and the sound is pristine.  Crunchessor, Marquis compressor and Deft Compressor are some of the smoothest and most flexible software compressors.  They all have such a wide "sweet spot" and it is hard to make them sound bad, allowing you to focus on creative decisions.  On the mixbus, polysquasher and soniformer are the only compressors I have tried that consistently provide truly transparent compression regardless of the material, while CurveEQ can effortlessly shape a full mix with complete transparency.  Finally Elephant delivers energy, smoothness and loudness like no other limiter, beating out everything else in my toolkit.  Its tweakability makes it suitable for any material.  The entire Voxengo suite of plugins really have something special going on.  No hype, just top level DSP, top level design and top level sound.
Jonathan Lee - Artist, Producer, Engineer

Dear Voxengo guys,

Thank you , thank you, thank you!  I just want to express my appreciation for your outstanding products.  There is nothing on the plug-in market even close to the quality you offer.  I have bought seven of your plug-ins and I'm using them in all my productions from now on.  They are just amazing, period.

If you could come up with a vocal tuner as well, I'd buy it faster than lightning.

Many tanks and best wishes to all of you guys!  Kind regards

Daniel Vållberg, Lightyear Sweden

Plugin Software Compatibility

Compatible 64-bit Mac OS and Windows PC VST, AudioUnit, AAX, VST3 plugin host software: Ableton Live, Cubase, Logic Pro, REAPER, Pro Tools, FL Studio, Studio One, OBS, Bitwig Studio, Nuendo, WaveLab, Vegas, SoundForge, GarageBand, Cakewalk, Adobe Audition, Samplitude, Digital Performer, Mixcraft, Edius, others.  Note that for Logic Pro you should download the "AU, AAX" package.

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