Voxengo OldSkoolVerb Plus

Old Skool Reverb Plugin
Windows Logo Mac OS Logo VST3 Logo AudioUnit Logo AAX Logo
User Guide (PDF): English, Deutsch, Русский язык
Primary User Guide (PDF): English, Français, Deutsch
I was having a difficult time finding a decent-sounding reverb plug-in to use on the professional orchestral recordings that I do.  There are plenty of plug-ins out there that will go up to 96kHz/24bit, but I record at 192kHz/24bit and reverb plug-ins that work at that resolution are both rare and expensive.  I've been down-sampling to 96/24 to use a reverb plug-in that I like for mixing, but I would rather work in the native resolution of 192/24 that I record at to keep the fidelity as high as possible.  I have other Voxengo products that I use on a regular basis (Elephant, SPAN Plus, PrimeEQ, Warmifier) but I never thought to try any of the Voxengo reverbs.  I purchased OldSkoolVerb Plus and I used it on an orchestral recording gig I had last month.  I was truly blown away at how smooth and natural-sounding the tails were that I was getting just starting with the presets.  The description for OldSkoolVerb Plus warns about possible 'metallic' sounds using the spatialization mode.  I didn't find any artifacting at all in my use.  And the fact that Voxengo plug-ins are sample-rate independent meant I didn't have to worry about any compatibility issues either.  OldSkoolVerb Plus is my new go-to for a world-class sounding reverb.
Patrick Dobrinen

Hi Voxengo folks!  I just wanted to say thanks for the free stuff.  I've been using your EssEQ, TubeAmp, TempoDelay (LOVE this one), and StereoTouch for a while now.  I'm a VST 'hobbyist' who plays with this stuff for fun when I get a bit of spare time, but I'll never make any money from my 'tracks', I just enjoy playing for fun.  Because of the free tools from people like you, I've been able to learn about things I always thought would be out of my reach - like mastering, synth programming, etc.  I love all of this knowledge, and the ability to use my computer for stuff like this, and again, it's thanks to the amazing talent and generosity of people like you!  I wouldn't be able to get involved in this world and learn this stuff if I had to pay for the commercial products, because I can't afford them and it's not a priority to me.  Anyway, this is becoming a long message!  I just wanted to say a big 'thanks', you have honestly played a part in changing my world.
Mike McGrath 'Laserguided' - Ottawa, Canada


I've been using your plugins for quite a while now.

Also right now, actually.

Time to say THANKS for some GREAT TOOLS!  These are my main tools on the digital side.

Also I would like to state, that I really like your pricing.  With some other plugins, I feel that I really pay a lot for a big name or whatever and I don't really enjoy that.  For Voxengo Plugins, every dollar I gave - I gave it to you with pleasure! :)

Cheers from Berlin,


Plugin Software Compatibility

Compatible 64-bit Mac OS and Windows PC VST, AudioUnit, AAX, VST3 plugin host software: Ableton Live, Cubase, Logic Pro, REAPER, Pro Tools, FL Studio, Studio One, OBS, Bitwig Studio, Nuendo, WaveLab, Vegas, SoundForge, GarageBand, Cakewalk, Adobe Audition, Samplitude, Digital Performer, Mixcraft, Edius, others.  Note that for Logic Pro you should download the "AU, AAX" package.

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