Voxengo Marquis Compressor
Over the years, Marquis has become my general-purpose compressor of choice. It sounds great and "musical" on almost anything, even when pushed hard. And whenever I think I've got "that sound", there's always a button or dial to take my sound even further...
Don't be put off by the looks of this compressor - this thing is a killer!
I've only been using Voxengo mastering plugins for a short time, and already they have become a core inclusion in all of my new projects and in many of my old ones.
I've been able to re-release clearer, brighter, smoother versions of tracks that I thought could never be lightened-up.
My listeners have already sent me glowing feedback about the quality and spacialization of my new and re-released mixes, since having incorporated Voxengo products.
I use almost the whole array of products in different combinations in different productions with fanastic results... though it's hard not to go overboard!
While some plugins are "too subtle to be heard", there's no question they modify the /feeling/ of the music; more solid, more smooth, and more enjoyable!
I plan to purchase the remaining pieces missing from my collection in the near future.
Thanks Voxengo, for sweet sounds and sweet deals.