Voxengo GlissEQ
Dynamic Equalizer Plugin
Downloaded by 4910 users, 148 countries (recent 90 days)
I just stop by to say, that I absolutely love the GlissEq! It sounds so good, natural and lively. The options on it are great as well!
There are a LOT of good EQ plugins on the market. GlissEQ is different. Really. The user interface makes it versatile and easy to use, but the sound is what really makes it unique. I really think that this way of EQing much more musical than anything else. The combination of harmonic and dynamic filters produces a very lively sound. If I could only keep ONE third party plugin this would be the one I would go for...
Your products are amazing!
From your incredibly useful free-plugs to the very cheap and fantastic sounding payplugs.
I am recommending your company to anyone who'll listen, so please keep up the good work!
All the best,