Voxengo Boogex free

Guitar Amp Plugin
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User Guide (PDF): English, Deutsch, Русский язык
Primary User Guide (PDF): English, Français, Deutsch
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I'm a non-professional but still devoided french guitar player/arranger.  I've been working on music at various stages (singer, guitar player, songwriter, arranger, both in studios and on stage) for more than ten years now.  And I can say in all honesty that the Boogex is the only I like using to enhance/reshape the sounds I produce with my guitar and pedals (very few pedals actually but, it's true all of them top-quality).

My sound-engineer (on other projects than the ones I lead) first told me that he didn't like the Boogex but after he watched me work with it, he eventually decided to use it and now does use it often.  I think it's the best plug-in I have, or at least I can SAY that it's the one I use the most.  And, by Jove, it's FREE!

Actually (honest) I was checking this site to see if there was any chance of bying the same stuff as hardware to go onstage with it as nearly all my guitar sounds have some Boogex features in tem and we're going onstage soon.  Well...  I'm going to check out the compressors for I need one to master our debut album (already nicely reviewed as a demo in mags).

To conclude I would say that I will sign with just my initials so that nobody can find me, for I like my sound (and journalists in many countries have said they did too so...) and I would hate people to have such a clue about how it's made (even if other "secrets" are involved...).  I would hate people thinking such a praise of the Boogex to be some sort of advertisemnt.  It's FREE.  They don't even sell this stuff and its GREAT.  I mean.  Thank you for that, really.


Having tried numerous amp/tube simulator plugins whilst attempting to create convincing keyboard-generated electric guitar sounds, I finally stumbled upon Boogex.  Not only does it have great tonal manipulation, but best of all it growls beautifully, without any of the fizzy 'overlay' that spoils some other amp simulations.  I also use it with NI's B4-II as a 'valve Leslie preamp' (in preference to the B4-II's overdrive), and to give Wurlitzer pianos, Clavinets and other vintage keys a convincingly mic'ed-up and gutsy sound.  Not just for guitarists, then...  You do know you're nuts for giving this away?  A brilliant plugin - many thanks!
Nick Magnus

You've been doing a lot of work, keeping my purchases viable and up to date, and I'd like to say, "Thanks very much!".
Frank Lockwood

Plugin Software Compatibility

Compatible 64-bit Mac OS and Windows PC VST, AudioUnit, AAX, VST3 plugin host software: Ableton Live, Cubase, Logic Pro, REAPER, Pro Tools, FL Studio, Studio One, OBS, Bitwig Studio, Nuendo, WaveLab, Vegas, SoundForge, GarageBand, Cakewalk, Adobe Audition, Samplitude, Digital Performer, Mixcraft, Edius, others.  Note that for Logic Pro you should download the "AU, AAX" package.

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